Remember in high school when they taught you that an essay consists of 3 parts:

1. the introduction with a summary of your 2 or 3 main arguments

2. Your arguments separated into one or 2 paragraphs, each with supporting arguments, and

3. Do you conclude with a summary of your arguments?

Well, blogging is not high school.

When you are putting together a blog post, your structure should be as follows:

1. An introductory teaser or a fun statement

2. 2 to 3 paragraphs on a SINGLE topic

3. Closing statement or call to action if you are monetizing your blog and a sneak peak at your next topic.

Yes, each blog post should cover only one topic. Remember that the goal of your blog is for people to read it. Since about 90% of your blog visitors will come via Google, the Google spider needs to know how to rank your post. For that to happen, your blog as a whole needs to be about one topic, and each post needs to be about a specific subset of that topic, focused on key search phrases.

To keep your readers coming back, blog posts should be short (400-600 words each), 1-2 minute read. After 2 minutes, you will lose about 50% of your readers every 10 seconds. If your call to action is in the final paragraph (as I suggest it should be), most of your readers will be gone before they see it!

If you’ve been reading this blog from the beginning, you should now be ready to start writing. You should have your topic and the first 20-30 posts described.

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