The infrared body wraps have individual silicone pads for the thighs, hips, stomach, and arms. Each of these pads emits infrared therapy similar to the infrared energy found in FIR saunas. The heat produced causes your heart rate to increase (similar to exercise) and, during the course of treatment, you will also begin to sweat. By imitating as if you were actually exercising, your body will burn calories and your metabolism will also increase.

Infrared body wrap treatment times typically range from forty to fifty minutes. The number of calories you burn during this time can vary from person to person depending on their size. A small person may not have as many calories to burn and therefore will not burn as many as a larger person.

The benefit of using infrared body wraps is that it improves the appearance of cellulite, helps relieve minor pain, contours and shapes the body, and possible weight and inch loss.

One thing to keep in mind after a treatment is to rehydrate your body by drinking water. Also, since you realize you’ve burned off some calories, you might be inclined to go for a burger and shake. If you did that, you would basically replace the calories you just burned.

Your metabolism also increases after a session and will increase for a day or two. During this time, your body may be burning more calories than normal. It is recommended to use these wraps in conjunction with a healthy diet for best results.

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