Book Review: Justin Bieber – First Step 2 Forever

Justin Bieber fans know that there are several books about him and his life, some even unauthorized. However, the book in question here is one that has been made by Bieber himself, meaning the information in it comes directly from Bieber and nowhere else. There are photographs and posters of Bieber in this book, but please read the inside cover carefully to locate them. If you are a collector, this might be more useful to you, especially if you have the first edition.


The book contains a statement that every female fan is Bieber’s “favorite girl” and a reason for each. There is also information on how to get in touch with him and enjoy his concerts.

There is information about his life and his rise to the top. The book also reviews her relationship with Usher and much more.

There is a whole chapter about his hometown and place of birth along with his parents and their divorce. The life they led financially and other things.

The book then goes into more personal details about the artist and his family, how he spent Christmas with them exchanging gifts in a very extraordinary way, and sheds some light on how it all worked out.

Her mother admitted mistakes and changes in her once she entered the church and the importance of God in her life.

The book covers more aspects of Bieber’s life and stardom, plus details of YouTube where Bieber originally got his fans. It even contains a page that is full of tweets from the artist’s Twitter page and then there are the numerous photos of him in between different actions and positions. The poster that accompanies the book is not very large but it does the job for any fan, and there are also close-up photos of Beiber himself with his well-known and distinctive hairstyle.

All in all, this is a great book for any Belieber, a well-written one that takes the reader into the personal little world of Justin Bieber.

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