Roundworms are parasites that can infect humans through contact with animals, particularly animal feces. Poor hygiene habits can also cause pinworm infections. Improper diet and constipation are contributing factors.

Roundworms (nematodes) include lumbricoid roundworms, hookworm, strongyloides stercoralis, Ancylastoma caninum, whipworm, roundworm, toxocara canis, heartworm inmitis (dog heartworm) and trichinosis.

Symptoms include, but are not limited to, restlessness, bruxism, and twitching. Untreated roundworms can lead to other health problems, including digestive disorders, dry cough, blood in the stool, anemia, and weight disorders.

Among allopathic doctors there is little knowledge about parasites as causes of diseases in human beings. Conventional doctors have few diagnostic tests for parasites and very few medications to treat parasites of any kind.

Fortunately, there are numerous alternative roundworm health remedies. Any of the following suggestions can be very effective.

Take half a cup of raw pumpkin seeds per day for a period of three days.

Consume a clove of garlic per day. Press it with the edge of a dull knife blade to release the active ingredient. alacin. Do this twice a day for ten days in a row to expel the roundworms.

Eat three to four figs, preferably white figs, daily. Do this for 10 days straight to paralyze roundworms.

Take the antiparasitic herbal supplement scratchmewhich is a combination of pumpkin seed, garlic, cramp bark, capsicum, and thyme, four capsules, three times daily before meals until the bottle is gone.

A wormwood tea has long been known to expel all kinds of parasites, including roundworms. Two cups of this tea in the morning and at night can remedy parasites. Alternatively, a tincture of wormwood can be taken two or three times a day. Do not use wormwood beyond about two weeks, as doing so can be detrimental to your health.

The worm seed, also known as Mexican tea and Chenopodium ambrosiodes, is effective against roundworms. The oil should not be used due to the dangers of easy overdose. According to “A Modern Herbal” by Ms. Grieve, “The juice pressed from the fresh plant is also used, in tablespoon doses. The medicine should be given in a full dose, fasting, and then followed, in about two hours.” , by an active purgative, such as castor oil.”

As a supplement to any of the above roundworm treatments, drink two cups of senna leaves and mint. This can be used as a follow-up remedy that helps expel parasites from the colon. Add ginger and hot peppers to your daily diet.

These herbs should not be used by pregnant or lactating women. Never use wormseed in oil form, it is highly toxic.

Many people use electronic “zappers” that operate in the same frequency range as internal parasites to treat parasites. These relatively simple devices can be built by people who have some knowledge of electronics.

Colloidal silver can also safely kill parasites, including roundworms. A standard dose of colloidal silver is two to three tablespoons daily, taken morning and night, in divided doses. Colloidal silver kills parasites by destroying them in their egg stage, so it must be taken over a long period of time to be fully effective.

Using common sense hygiene will help prevent an infestation of roundworms and most other parasites in humans. Do not put your hands in your mouth or eyes. Also keep an eye on children’s hand-to-mouth and eye activities, as they can be particularly vulnerable.

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