As kitchens strengthen their position as the new heart of homes, the area’s building blocks become more visible and subject to the home improvement spotlight. A major player when it comes to imparting the required curb appeal and efficiency to the area, selecting the right set of kitchen cabinets has become one of the most crucial tasks when remodeling. Gone are the days when style was sacrificed for efficiency, as fashion can now go hand in hand with function. This article takes a look at kitchen cabinet color trends and their evolution from chic yesteryear, to fabulous today, and to what shades are gearing up for next year.


When we try to look to the past, most of the kitchens have an old American and European style. But whatever style they tend, we can say that kitchen cabinet color trends at that time are more homey. Antique kitchen cabinets, especially in luxury homes, exhibit the rich colors of natural hardwood and are mostly custom made. Favorites range from the classic cocktail shaker to the old-fashioned ornate looks that have been the ‘it’ back then. Some that are made of cherry or other wood that manages to patina over time to a sumptuous darker shade that is preferred in Spanish kitchens.


Today, kitchen cabinet color trends are more into custom fashion. Today’s kitchens have become an extension of homeowners’ stylistic preferences with bolder tonal schemes becoming fabulously popular. Some of the favorites include:

1. Elegant and bold

More and more people prefer modern designs that perfectly fit their lifestyles that are always on the go. For elegant kitchens, stainless steel is becoming the norm. For those who don’t like the industrial look too much and soften the feel of the area, metal cabinets can be mixed and matched with wood and paired with glass. Cabinets can be painted more vibrant colors like red, black, blue, or brighter colors like yellows and oranges.

2. A comeback

Traditional colors and patterns are making a comeback in kitchen cabinet color trends and are now considered the new contemporary. Neutral tones, such as those showcased by cream maple cabinets or raw natural hardwood finishes, such as the neutral cherry, maple and oak series, are all the rage on the market right now. Some homeowners also choose a weathered look on the building block facade of their kitchens to instill a charming old-world charm that still blends well with modern advances in design and technology.

they will be

For the upcoming turn of the year, interior designers and stylists are already busy cooking up the ‘will’ kitchen cabinet color trends. Many professionals and companies have already published their predictions and one of the persistent fads is the traditional choice of hardwood and neutral colors. As inexpensive wood kitchen cabinets continue to rise in popularity, wood finishes are a classic choice that will remain in style for years to come. Other upcoming colors are those related to Italian luxury with rich hues and textures for the luxurious; charming minimalist bright for those looking for a homey style; bewildering colors of natural landscapes for the exotic; and ethnic elegance that is primarily grays, yellows, purples, oranges, vibrant blues, and blacks.

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