Have you ever wondered what will happen after the death of your physical body? Some believe that they will cease to exist. Others, who had an NDE (near death experience), returned to the living to share their vision from the other side, which happened when their physical body “died” but their soul lived on.

The Near Death Experience Research Foundation (NDERF) is the world’s largest NDE website with over 4,000 experiences in over 23 languages.

It is reasonable to question metaphysical concepts, and the NDERF site’s FAQ page addresses common questions and has helpful information about NDEs.

We’ve read the NDE stories on the NDERF site and selected the ones we found most informative to share with you.

Leonard NDE 4046 had a heart attack and experienced a painful life review during his NDE. He said that he cannot imagine the pain that Adolf Hitler felt during his. He showed himself to Leonard when he did things unconditionally and when he did things without love. He even saw himself stealing candy from a store, thinking to himself that no one saw him do it. “Certainly,” he said he, “someone saw me. Yes, God saw me!” However, he realized during his life review that God does not judge, but loves with an indescribable unconditional love that goes far beyond what we feel on Earth.

He also said that he and his guides laughed at the seriousness with which he reacted to certain events on Earth; life doesn’t need to be so dramatic.

Furthermore, Leonard learned that we lose our memory of who we are every time we incarnate, there are billions of universes, and we can choose to incarnate on planets other than Earth. Our findings also reflect this.

Stella NDE 3697. Most souls who experience an NDE feel so wonderful on the other side that they don’t want to return to their restrictive bodies and lives on Earth. But do not want to return to their loved ones? Many do, especially when their children need their help on Earth. However, when Stella protested at her guidance to return to Earth, he asked her if she missed her mother and her father. She said no, because she will soon see them again (since time doesn’t exist there).

Stella’s guide showed her life as a journey. There were important and destined events symbolized by marble statues, while others were made of soft clay, which meant that it was possible to use free will to alter them. She realized that, “A series of free will choices and reactions to events determines the conditions for meeting destiny or losing it. It is so free that one can always try and try again: no matter how long or how long it takes.” “. where it happens, time and space do not exist, the only important thing is to ‘meet the conditions’ to arrive at the right destination”.

Linda G NDE 3649 experienced her NDE during a drug overdose. Like most of the others, she said that the other side felt at home and that she didn’t want to leave. She still, she asked God if she could return to Earth because her children lost her father to suicide the year before and she couldn’t bear the thought that they thought her parents didn’t love them. enough to stay. She was allowed to return because she was selfless and she desperately wanted him.

He was told that upon his return to Earth, he would forget everything he had learned from the other side because it would interfere with his life. This is common, however, some souls remember many details when they return to Earth, sometimes to help others with understanding.

He did remember that we all go to Earth to fulfill a goal of some sort, and we choose our bodies, parents, and life plan. Surprisingly, he said that some souls go to Earth for simple goals, like food or learning a sport.

He also learned that each life is “just a drop of water in the bucket of lives we all experience, many here on Earth and many in other realms of existence. All to learn and grow and the main purpose is to love.”

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