Effects of Botox Jawline

BOTOX is well-known as the top noninvasive cosmetic treatment for correcting frown lines and Crow’s feet. It has also helped some patients to address an unflattering jawline. The injectable contains botulinum toxin that can relax certain muscles in the face, helping them to shrink over time.

The masseter muscles are located on each side of the jaw and are the main muscles that assist with chewing. Those who grind or clench their teeth, often called bruxism, can cause these muscles to grow too large. This can give the person a square or masculine-looking face that does not suit their other facial features. botox for jawline injections into the masseter muscles can help to reduce their size and slim the jawline, creating a more feminine or V-shaped appearance. The procedure is performed in our Philadelphia office in just a few minutes.

While there are some concerns that long-term use of BOTOX can lead to muscle weakness, the truth is that judicious and careful application in the hands of a medically trained practitioner will minimize this risk. In addition, it is important to remember that the BOTOX injections do not eliminate all fine lines and wrinkles. This is a good thing, as trying to eliminate every last tiny line would result in an artificial and unnatural look.

Long-Term Effects of Botox Jawline?

Depending on the patient’s anatomy, results from masseter Botox may take 4 to 6 weeks to appear. The slimming of the jawline is primarily dependent on the size and shape of the bone, the soft tissue and the chin structure.

Short-term side effects from the masseter Botox may include bruising and headaches. Mild bruising, known as ecchymosis, usually results from injuring a blood vessel at the injection site and is most common around the eyes. A more severe complication, a deep muscle hematoma, typically occurs in the periosteum and may be painful and require symptom management with anti-inflammatories or pain relievers. Headaches are less common but still possible and can be related to the injected area or general stress.

In studies on patients with TMJ dysfunction, masseter Botox was shown to provide pain relief in 90 percent of those who did not respond to conservative treatments. However, this treatment is not a cure and will wear off over time. Those who wish to maintain their results should seek regular repeat treatments. It is a good idea for people who receive masseter Botox to avoid activities that place a lot of pressure on the jaw, such as chewing gum or hard foods. This will prevent the movement of the jaw muscles from interfering with the effects of the Botox and prolong the duration of the treatment. A person should also avoid clenching or grinding the teeth, as this can reverse the effect of the injections. In most cases, patients need only three or four injections per year to maintain their results. For those who would like to learn more about a jawline Botox treatment, contact Body+Beauty Lab today for a consultation.

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