Citronella is made from Cymbopogon, a genus of grasses commonly found in warm temperatures such as tropical regions. Tall, perennial grasses commonly known as lemongrass, barbed wire grass, silkheads, feverfew, lemon verbena, and of course citronella grass.

Citronella has been used for years to keep pesky bugs away while camping or just sitting outside in the backyard on a nice summer afternoon. It has a perfume that repels insects without harming them. It is safe for the environment and is safe to use around animals. The EPA has already thoroughly reviewed it.

The great thing about citronella is that it can be used in a variety of ways. And all of them at the same time is the best way to prevent annoying bugs from bothering you and ruining your summer night.


Citronella chemicals can be used to make perfumery soap. If you take a bath with citronella soap, you can be sure that the insects will not fall on you all night. In fact, that’s a sure way to keep bugs from eating you and digging deep. Enjoy your evening while everyone slaps and scratches. Don’t be surprised if people start gravitating towards you overnight.


Citronella candles are the most common form of insect repellant. Cans of Citronella Sunjel burn for three hours and can be placed on the picnic table where you are sitting or on a table next to your chair. There is also a citronella enhancer that you can put in any burning fuel and turn it into an insect repellant. For example, if you have Tiki Torches, you can put Citronella Booster in Tiki Torch Fuel and “Shazam” has a bug spray.


A little known fact is that citronella can be used to repel head and body lice. Citronella oils that are placed in skin formulas can be used on the scalp and all over the body to keep lice away from you or your children. That’s an EPA finding, so you can be sure it will work. Do not use to kill lice or rid hair of lice after they have already been found. It is a preventive measure that you can use to prevent your children or yourself from getting head lice.

Barking dogs

This is another little-known find. But, Citronellas have been found to calm barking dogs. Isn’t that unique? If you have a barking dog or the neighbor’s dog is ruining your evening, go ahead and light up some citronella. Let’s see if it doesn’t work. Check the wind factor and put the Citronella upwind. That way you’ll be moving in the right direction and should calm the barking dog into a calm beast.

Citronella is perfect for keeping bugs away. But I bet you didn’t know that it will also repel lice and calm barking dogs. Those are interesting byproducts of the best bug spray to come along since the fly swatter. Enjoy your summer…make sure you never run out of citronella!

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