Have you heard this phrase? You believe it?

Is money the root of all evil or is your money belief is that the root of your problem?

Let me explain….

I was walking with my mom today in downtown Pacific Grove, CA. We were waiting for the animal rescue to open so we could deliver my beloved cats; But that is another story.

As we walked we were looking at the little shops on Lighthouse Avenue and one of them was a ‘high end’ store and my mother commented as she passed, “too rich for my blood”.

To a “T” was the exact phrase his father, bless him as he passed away, used to say as he walked past a store that had things he wanted but never allowed himself to pay for due to his limiting beliefs and sheer disdain. of rich people. He would constantly make the comment that rich people are A**H**es and then walk into McDonald’s for a cup of coffee and sit down to chat with other people who shared his beliefs. Like-minded individuals who bring others into their lives who share their scarcity values. My grandfather’s beliefs centered around jealousy of an enviable position he wanted to be in but had no idea how to create for himself.

Going back to my mother and her comment… Her words were so succinct, so fitting, so part of his (her father’s) background and thinking that I must have thought that he had embodied her at the time as she spoke those words. It was kind of weird to tell you the truth.

My mother is a fisherman, a canvas weaver, a sailmaker, a carpenter, and a very creative and resourceful woman when it comes to creating something from nothing. But she, like her father, has limiting beliefs about money. Money has always been a big problem because there has never been enough and as is normal for baby boomers, they don’t spend what they don’t have. Growing up with parents raised in the Great Depression, theirs is a constant reminder of what they don’t have: money.

Now that I have been reconditioned by the words of Jeffery Combs, Ferny Ceballos, Aaron “Parky” Parkinson, Jay Kubassek, Danielle Wilson, John Jackson, Brian Fanale, Norbert Orlecwicz, and Jonathan Budd, to name a few, I listen to people with a clearer hearing. I hear the mockery in their voice, the intonation when they say, “well, it’s okay to want money, but you’ll never be happy,” as if to say that money will make you unhappy. Because for them money makes them unhappy. They never have enough, they always want more and they constantly live in the mentality of poverty that consumes more than 97% of our population.

You don’t hear any of the above say they’re unhappy… you hear them say they sometimes wake up not feeling like the million dollars they’ve earned, but that doesn’t mean they’re unhappy. It means they are HUMAN.

Money is not evil; it is his belief in money that is his evil. Honestly, your poverty mentality serves no one, not even yourself. It’s a victim mentality and it’s weak.

There is nothing wrong with wanting to be rich, there is nothing wrong with creating your own destiny. There is absolutely nothing wrong with No wanting to wait for a bailout, for someone else (eg the government) to take over your life only to be disillusioned with what you were told would happen and what actually happened to your MONEY…

I am not afraid to put myself on a slippery and risky slope to create my destiny. My goal is to make money and a lot of it. My goal is also to help others make money, and a lot of it. My goal is to have 240 people on my team by March 31, 2011 creating $10k per month in residual income. That’s my goal. There is nothing wrong with making money. There is nothing wrong with wanting a better life than the one you have now.

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