1. GET OFF THE CHAIR AND SHAKE IT! Sounds like a no-brainer, right… but do you? Do you find yourself sitting for a long time? Often when our energy drops and we start to feel stuck, it’s because we’ve been concentrating on one task for too long. Close your eyes and shake your body a little. He shrugs his shoulders, shakes his butt, and shakes his head. We don’t want you to become a statue on your desktop! Even better, get up and shake your body, do some jumping jacks or small jumps. Set an alarm on your computer to let you know when you need to take a break! If you don’t work alone and your co-workers think you’re crazy, who cares! Your performance will improve and your mind and body will be more alert! Therefore, there 😉

2. PERFECT YOUR POSTURE! Do you want to look ten pounds heavier and invite back pain? Then stay away!! Ok, I’m being sarcastic. I always tell my Pilates clients to put post-its on their computers with their posture or shoulders down. If your job requires sitting, move forward in your chair so your abs support you, not the chair. While you are at the computer, keep in mind that you have beautiful open clavicles and shoulders on your back. If you spend a lot of time on the phone, buy a headset to save your neck. There are little “tricks” you can implement to save that body of yours!

3. HYDRATION NATION! Do you know that dehydration not only decreases your brain function but also causes stress? That’s enough information to drink! Make sure to hydrate those beautiful cells and tissues of yours. Keep water on your desk for a visual reminder. Replace your coffee break with a water break, your body will thank you and you’ll feel more alert and stress-free. Do you hate running water? Add lemon, a vitamin C pack, drink 100% natural coconut water, but NO sodas please! This means diet soda too, it has fake junk in it and does NOTHING for your body.

4. COMMIT TO BALANCE, you show up to work on time, you make sure the kids are well taken care of, your chores get done… but what about you? Be sure to commit to yourself as much as you commit to the demands of your life! How? Schedule your workouts to make it an appointment you can’t miss! Hire a trainer or trainer to make you accountable to someone else. Have exercise equipment (small weights, exercise DVDs, a stability ball, or exercise bands) in your home so there are NO excuses not to get even a little exercise. I always tell my clients that 10 minutes is better than ZERO minutes. It all adds up over time, so make sure you commit to taking care of yourself and balancing your life. You will feel more energy and enjoy your life more… and isn’t that what we all want?

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