A total natural cure for yeast infection can be Candida desensitization injections. They are used by alternative practitioners and can help select patients. Candida syndrome is linked to perhaps thousands of different fungi or strains of Candida, and the injections may not be specific enough for many victims of fungal infections or hypersensitivity. Scientific documentation to date is scant, but patient testimonials are encouraging.

Dioxychlor, aerobic oxygen, Bioxy Cleanse, and other oral forms of oxygen work on the ability to damage fungi by increasing oxygen in the body. They may not be as effective as IV ozone or hydrogen peroxide therapy, but clinical history indicates substantial benefit and reversal of symptoms in many cases.

A total natural cure for yeast infection includes fish and fish oils (omega-3 and omega-6-EPA) have been shown to substantially reduce the death rate from atherosclerosis. Fish oils and other fatty acids have strong antifungal properties. Controversy exists in the medical literature regarding the cholesterol-lowering effects of fish oil capsules. It is clear that at least some people benefit greatly from supplementing their diet with fish such as trout, salmon, cod, halibut, sardines, mackerel, swordfish, and tuna.

Flaxseed oil is a good source of omega-3 and omega-6-EPA fatty acids. Evening primrose oil, borage oil, and blackcurrant seed oil are excellent sources of omega-6-EPA fatty acids. All are antifungal.

Hemp oil is one of the best sources of essential fats. It contains approximately twice as many omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids as flaxseed oil. If your skin is dry, use more. If your skin becomes oily with this supplement, reduce the dose. A combination of fish oils and flaxseed oil is an alternative to hemp oil. Raw sunflower and pumpkin seeds are also good sources of these fats. Avoid peanuts, peanut butter, and peanut oil at all costs. They contain mold and aflatoxin, a known immunosuppressant. According to experts in mycology (the study of fungi), no peanuts sold in North America are free of aflatoxins, even organic ones.

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