Nothing disrupts a good night’s sleep more than loud snoring, and it’s also considered to be the number one cause of husbands having to sleep on the couch. For medical experts, loud snoring should not be ignored because it can be a sign of sleep apnea, a life-threatening condition.


Sleep apnea is the cessation of breathing while a person is asleep. Shallow breathing with pauses lasting 10 to 20 seconds each is considered sleep apnea. Because of this, oxygen starvation occurs and a startled awakening occurs. This induces sleep deprivation in which a person suffers from fatigue, drowsiness, slow reflexes, and a lack of concentration during the day.

To understand more about sleep apnea, one must know how to differentiate its types. There are three types: obstructive, central, and complex sleep apnea.

Types of sleep apnea

Obstructive sleep apnea is the most common type of all. It occurs when the soft tissues in the back of the throat, including the tongue, relax during sleep and block the airway. Once the airway is blocked, it causes a loud vibrating sound that we know as snoring. The second type is central sleep apnea. It is the least common type because it involves the central nervous system. This happens when the brain does not send signals to specific muscles that control breathing. Also, snoring is not as noticeable for people with central sleep apnea. The last type is complex sleep apnea in which it is the combination of both obstructive and central sleep apnea.

It is very important to pay attention to the signs and symptoms of sleep apnea because it can happen to anyone. You do not choose any gender, race or age. It is better to know the following signs and symptoms because they can save the life of a loved one or even yours.

Signs and symptoms

The main signs of sleep apnea are loud snoring with long pauses in breathing, choking, snorting, and shortness of breath during sleep. Complaints from people who suffer from sleep apnea can include waking up with a dry mouth, hoarse voice, sore throat, throbbing headache, restless sleep, daytime fatigue, and lethargy. Before you complain about how loud other people snore and judge them for being lazy, take some time to find out how they’re doing, especially the way they sleep.

Risk factor’s

Some people may be unaware of the fact that they may be candidates for sleep apnea, especially if they are unaware of the risk factors. Obesity, family history, old age and smoking are among the high risk factors. Medical conditions such as allergic reactions, nasal congestion, and other ailments involving the respiratory tract can also cause sleep apnea. If you suffer from any of these symptoms, it is best to see a doctor.

Get a good night’s sleep and avoid sleep apnea

Sleep apnea can be alleviated by improving sleep practices. Changing your body position while you sleep can prevent this from happening. Sleeping on the side is recommended for people with sleep apnea. It is because when a person sleeps on their back, gravity causes the relaxed tongue to fall on the soft tissues of the throat. This causes obstruction and loud snoring. Propping an extra pillow under the head lifts it off the body. This also prevents the tongue from falling into the air duct. The ideal head height is 4 to 6 inches (10 to 15 cm) because any height can lead to a stiff neck or tight shoulders.

Medical Interventions

Sleep apnea is treated in several ways. Doctors often recommend mouthpieces for sleep apnea. They are devices designed to alleviate excessive snoring and bruxism, better known as teeth grinding. Most sleep apnea mouthpieces are custom fit to prevent choking and slipping.

Several users and clinicians have researched the pros and cons of using mouthpieces for sleep apnea. Since these devices are geared towards providing relief and comfort, it is important to take some time to read the reviews of various products on the market.

One of the benefits of using sleep apnea mouthpieces or snoring mouth guards is that it provides immediate relief from sleep apnea and excessive snoring. It is also non-invasive compared to surgery and other permanent dental devices. Also, it is only worn during sleep, unlike braces and dental splints, which need to be worn most of the day for all the world to see.

However, there are some disadvantages. Since it is portable, it is easy to lose the mouthpiece. Also, some people feel uncomfortable having something in their mouth while they sleep. Others may take a long time to adjust and this can lead to discomfort and lack of sleep for some. These mouthpieces should also be cleaned and brushed like teeth. More or less, poorly washed mouth guards can be very unsanitary.


CPAP is an acronym that stands for Continuous Positive Airflow Pressure. It is the most popular treatment for moderate to severe sleep apnea. CPAP is a device in which a mask is used to provide a constant stream of air while you sleep. It’s like getting a hospital oxygen treatment without the huge green tank. Some CPAP machines are now compactly designed, making them more portable for travel.

One of the benefits of having a CPAP device is that it provides continuous airflow to your passages while you sleep. This ensures that the body, particularly the brain, receives enough oxygen. People who used the CPAP device felt improvements in their bodies. These claims include increased stamina throughout the day, increased focus and concentration, and most of all, restful sleep. The drawbacks, on the other hand, are similar to those of sleep apnea mouthpieces. Since the CPAP is used externally, the person using it may find it annoying and uncomfortable at first. For some, it prevents them from changing positions while they sleep because the device could shift.

Since the developers of the CPAP saw the problem with their bulky, face-hugging mask, they decided to make the Provent. Provent uses nasal cannulas in which it is placed over the nostrils. This is smaller and less intrusive than the traditional CPAP. Aside from the difference in size between the cannula and the mask, Provent is more expensive than traditional CPAP.

Popular brands of snore mouthpieces

There are popular brands of anti-snoring devices available on the market that are FDA approved. The three most popular brands are Snore-Ex, PureSleep, and ZQuiet.

Snore-Ex is a device placed in the mouth that helps eliminate snoring. The advantage of Snore-Ex is that it is much cheaper than a custom mold made by a dentist. The mold is designed to fit any mouth by simply following the step-by-step instructions included in the package. In addition, it can be used together with CPAP, which enhances the benefits provided by the product. Snore-Ex also helps relieve bruxism or unconscious teeth grinding. With these benefits, Snore-Ex is considered a bargain because it is a 2-in-1 product that targets both snoring and bruxism.

PureSleep is another FDA approved product. It is a self-molding retainer that aims to reduce snoring by positioning the lower jaw slightly forward of its normal position while you sleep. Through this, it helps to open up the airways and minimizes the vibrations that we all know as snoring. PureSleep has a top and bottom piece that can be attached. The good thing about PureSleep is that the user has the possibility to customize the mouthpiece according to their bite. Once the pieces are attached, the appliance is boiled to soften, making it a perfect mold to the teeth in less than a minute. PureSleep features their patented adjustable design, FDA-approved materials, and dental recommendation.

ZQuiet is an anti-snoring device designed by a Doctor of Dental Surgery named Dr. Avery Lieberman. His 20 years of experience as a dental sleep specialist have made him one of the leading experts in this field. He used soft, BPA- and latex-free elastomer to make ZQuiet. Through this, he was able to comply with the FDA’s strict guidelines regarding consumer safety. ZQuiet works by placing it in the mouth. It holds the jaw forward and keeps the airways in the throat open. ZQuiet’s developers are proud of their “living hinge technology,” a mechanism found in the device that allows the jaws to move naturally during sleep. Because a soft type of rubber is used for this product, people are less likely to wake up with sore jaws.

Sleep apnea and excessive snoring have no right to take away from anyone’s restful night. Thanks to our sleep experts and dentists, we can treat restless nights using their helpful inventions that target sleep apnea. The Dalai Lama once said, “Sleep is the best meditation.” It is because sleep and rest rejuvenate a tired mind and body that has been working all day.

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