A steady supply of protein keeps a variety of bodily functions going. Proteins are not like carbohydrates, which are stored in the body as fat or other nutrients that the body produces from various food sources. The only place protein is stored is in muscle tissue and almost every cell in your body. If your protein levels are too low, your body will steal these essential amino acids from the very muscles and tissues you’re trying to build.

In addition to loss of muscle mass, other symptoms of too little protein in the diet include fatigue and a general feeling of lethargy. This weakened state can compromise both your mental and physical abilities and your overall performance will suffer. A regular supply of protein, with each meal, helps supply the building blocks of amino acids to support the growth of muscle and connective tissue. These are essential elements to maintain the motor functions of the body.

Beyond its contribution to physical strength, protein helps regulate hormones and blood sugar. The result is increased mental focus and an increased ability to recover from stress. One of those stresses is fluid loss due to physical activity. If you consume enough fluids, protein helps ensure that fluids reach all the parts of the body that are necessary to keep it functioning. Proteins also help make sure cells don’t retain too much fluid. Maintaining fluid levels supports nerve function that helps regulate the body and control things like muscle contraction.

Because your body uses the protein you eat, you need to keep your supply constant. This means that it doesn’t help to load up on protein for breakfast and then skip it for the rest of the day. Too much protein in a single sitting is more than your body can and will absorb. Then, when the middle of the afternoon rolls around, you’ll start to feel the fatigue as your body starts robbing your muscles of amino acids.

If you get to that point, the best solution is to eat a handful of raw almonds or walnuts, or a slice of cheese. Stay away from that candy bar in the vending machine. All that sugar plus fatigue will cause an insulin rush and make your fatigue worse. Then the insulin will make you hungry and you will be challenged to maintain a healthy diet at dinner time. Similarly, if you exercise during the day; be sure to eat some protein shortly after the session ends. This will help restore protein to the muscles, keep hormones in balance, and help rehydrate the body while you drink water.

Whole-grain sources of protein are found in many animal foods, including fish, beef, lamb, chicken, and eggs. A comprehensive source of protein is one that includes many of the essential amino acids needed by the body. Also, dairy products like yogurt, cheese, and whey protein are good sources of whole-grain protein. Yogurt and some cheeses have the added benefit of providing much-needed beneficial bacteria to aid digestion and support the immune system. If you prefer plant-based protein, legumes and a variety of nuts and seeds are good sources. These foods also add fiber to your system and can reduce protein absorption, so make it a habit to add sunflower seeds, almonds, and other protein snacks to your regular diet.

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