You’ll think it’s bad because you’re taking a shortcut, but there are smart benefits to losing weight fast. Quick weight loss actually has long-term benefits, because that’s mostly where you start. When you lose weight quickly, you get a psychological boost. From there, you feel motivated to maintain your new health and fitness habits. Studies have shown that rapid weight loss leads to losing more pounds and encourages you to maintain habits that lead to long-term weight loss success. You will also want to keep off the extra pounds. There are many ways to lose weight fast, like going on a crash diet or going on an extreme cleanse diet, but there are major flaws in this. You will easily gain the pounds back on and you will be back to square one without learning anything. Watch where you get your weight loss advice from, so here are the top tips from top fitness and nutrition experts for quick and safe weight loss:

  • Your kitchen must be off limits for 12 hours. When? Just after dinner in the evening and before breakfast the next morning. Having your dinner finished by 7:30 p.m. means you shouldn’t eat anything until 7:30 a.m. the next day. Feed your mind some pep talks if you’re tempted to grab some snacks from the fridge in between. Say to yourself: “Sleep now, so tomorrow you look fabulous and wow.”
  • If you feel like eating something from the kitchen, drink water instead. Sometimes you may think you are hungry, but you are actually thirsty. It’s a normal reaction, especially if you’re trying to follow a weight-loss diet where you tend to expect yourself to feel hungry. So when you feel the urge to grab some food from the kitchen, have a glass of water instead.
  • Ask yourself if you are really hungry every time you want to eat and why you are hungry. Every time you want to grab something to eat, you may not be hungry, but on the other hand, bored, stressed, or procrastinating. Maybe you are even depressed. Before you take a bite of anything, stop for 10 minutes and decide if you really need to eat it. These few minutes of contemplation can have a big impact on your weight management.
  • Start your meals with an appetizer. Choose the foods you eat wisely. You might, for example, have a cup of broth-based soup or a bowl of salad before dinner. For starters, your appetizer will fill you up and keep you from wolfing down your dinner food. When you have finished eating, keep your food off the table. It will prevent you from eating too fast.
  • Reduce food portions, but add more vegetables. Supersize those vegetarian portions for your plate. Eat the right portions of carbohydrates and meat so that you lose weight quickly. Don’t eat too much of everything else. If you’re eating pasta, you should eat a portion the size of your fist, and your meat meal should be the same size as a bar of soap.

Consider these simple but smart tips to lose weight fast from fitness and nutrition experts.

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