Due to the similarity in names, many people confuse Reactjs with React Native. In 2011, a tech giant like Facebook released this Reactjs library that showed a new way to speed up JavaScript and make web pages responsive and dynamic. Once the team made this open source JavaScript library, they released a redesigned React Native framework. Read on to learn about the main differences between these two technologies.

In simpler words, when developers are working on large web applications, to create the user interface, they use the Reactjs JavaScript library. Rather, React Native is a framework that consists of multiple native libraries that help to build native mobile apps. So this is easily understandable that ReactJS helps in web development and React Native framework helps in mobile app development.

This was a basic difference. However, read on to learn about the other subtle differences depending on the approach of doing the same task.

> Navigation

When it comes to navigation, even though React Native and React JS take different approaches, the result is almost side by side. For smooth navigation, the React Native framework uses a built-in library part called Navigator. This browser works as an alternative to the react router, which helps in the navigation of web pages created with ReactJS.

Both help to handle transitions between different scenes in an efficient way. NavigatorExperimental is one of the exceptionally advanced components that can make your work easier. However, most of the developers prefer to use the browser most of the time to date.

> Animation

React Native is so advanced that its built-in libraries are capable of handling most tasks on their own. Developers do not need to depend on other libraries. Animation is one of those aspects. If you are new to working in this framework initially, you may find it a bit difficult. But, once you learn things, you will agree to the point that the end result is much better than the CSS or other JavaScript libraries used by Reactjs. Even interacting with various user gestures becomes easier with this native framework.

> General expenses

Look, if you are using the JavaScript library, just writing one piece of code is enough. Why? It is because the written code will run everywhere. Therefore, using this library saves time, since developers do not have to write platform-specific code. On the other hand, when using the React Native framework, developers need to create some platform-specific code, which takes a bit of time. However, this is only applicable if you want to reach different types of platforms.

Well, the main purpose of this article is to let others know that these two are different technologies and they work in completely different domains. Therefore, comparing these two is never a great idea. Both are effective in their own domains. However, both technologies are very trending in today’s market. If you want to work with these technologies, please contact a reliable and professional web development company who can guide you well.

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