When you write articles, you look for ways to drive quality traffic to your website or blog in a way that eliminates high advertising costs. Face it, TV ads, radio ads, and newspaper ads don’t come cheap, and they have limited success.

Writing articles is a profitable way to access your target market. In this article, learn how to identify an almost limitless supply of topics for profitable information products. Revealed: 5 Comprehensive Steps to Make Money Writing Articles.

1. Do your market research. First find a lucrative market with unresolved business issues. Most companies have common problems that need their expertise to solve. Then make information products to solve that problem.

2. You probably chose the niche you are in because you have experience and knowledge in that market. Listen to your market. Associate with them. Become their defender. Create desperately seeking information products.

3. Create a marketing plan. Describe a logical progression of products that beginners need to solve problems and achieve goals in the niche. Create an easy-to-understand step-by-step guide for beginners. You will attract many sales with your products.

4. Write articles on how to follow the simple process of constantly listening to your market for feedback. This is how you know what lucrative information products to create to help them achieve their goals.

5. Write articles using words and phrases that make sense to your market. From beginner to advanced student, use words in your articles associated with your niche. This assures your readers that you know and understand the business.

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