Arena seating systems can create a space that would hold ten individual chair seats capable of holding fifteen places for people to sit. You can almost double the number of places for people to sit with this type of seating. That means you can sell almost twice as many tickets to a sporting event and make almost twice as much profit from the tickets. This does not include the amount of profit you will earn from concession sales to the additional people.

The seats in the arena cannot be tilted back, so it is safer for the public to sit on them than on individual chairs. These seats cannot be moved from their position either, and this increases the safety of the general public. There is never any concern that the chair will move when someone is trying to sit on it and allow the person to fall to the ground.

Arena seats can have arms on the chairs or they can be seats without arms. The location of the armrests depends on the design team that is decorating the arena. Arms on chairs reduce the number of chairs that can be lined up, but arms add more comfort to people sitting on them.

The average chair placed in an arena seating system can hold a person weighing two hundred and fifty pounds. Seats are available that are capable of accommodating people weighing three hundred pounds or more. When seats for larger people are installed, special bracing is added under the seats to stop the potential for damage to the main support beam.

You can get these types of seats in almost any color. Sports teams can order seats in their team colors, schools can get them in their school colors, and event venues can get colors that will resist staining. Most of these seats are ordered in dark colors because dark colors do not stain as quickly as light colors.

This type of seating can be made to have two hundred to two hundred chairs in a row. You order these by the measurements in the room. Once you’ve measured the area where the seats will go, you’ll discuss with the salesperson exactly how much of that space needs to be for chairs.

These seats usually have bases that lift up to create more room for people walking between rows. Raising the seats also makes it easy to clean up after a game or event. It’s easier to sweep and mop when the seat is raised so the cleaner can see under the chairs.

These seats turn out to be cheaper per seat than individual chairs. Individual chairs take up more space, cost more money and pose a greater danger to the occupants. Attached rows of seats make more sense than buying and placing the most dangerous individual chairs in the area.

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