The Stairmaster Stepmill 7000 PT offers, in my opinion, the best workout you can get, whether in the gym or in your basement. Stepmill combines the ease of walking on a treadmill with an intense lower body workout. When you see the machine in the gym, you will notice that this piece of equipment is usually the largest exercise machine, but don’t let this size intimidate you from using this fantastic exercise machine.

I must be honest and mention that prior to my review I had never given the Stairmaster Stepmill 7000 PT a second look because I really didn’t understand how to use the machine and didn’t want to look like an idiot trying to use this. piece of gym equipment.

Boy was I wrong, this machine is very easy to use and provides detailed feedback on your workout. You can walk between 24 and 162 steps per minute and there’s a quick start button that makes getting on and off a breeze. Be careful though because if you haven’t used this machine when you click the quick start button you will need to program the initial speed of your steps and I automatically made the machine run at 100 steps per minute, big mistake. I quickly slowed down, which is very easy to do on this machine, to about 40 steps per minute.

This allows you to warm up at a decent pace without killing yourself and at first you don’t think the workout is really anything special. She feels like she’s walking up a bunch of stairs and within 5 minutes she really starts to feel the burn in her lower legs. It’s not a serious burn where you feel pain, a burn where you can feel muscles working in areas where muscles haven’t been used before. On the LED screen right in front of you, a list of your facts is constantly displayed. Everything from the number of steps you’ve taken to the number of floors you’ve climbed to the equivalent of miles walked.

The Stairmaster Stepmill 7000 PT also provides a heart rate monitor so you can stay in your comfort zone or challenge yourself. I was pleasantly surprised and have now added a new piece of gym equipment to my arsenal of training machines. This has now dwarfed all my other training machines because I didn’t have the knee pain that I had on the treadmill and I burned almost twice as many calories as I did on the elliptical for the same amount of time.

So next time you’re hitting the gym or looking to invest in a great exercise machine, give the Stairmaster 7000 PT a try and I think you’ll absolutely enjoy the benefits for years to come, now get out there and work out.

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