My greatest vision of heaven continues from the first part

I remember when I was little, my mother used to put a lot of energy into sewing costumes for us to wear on dress up days at school. I remember when I was a very little boy I wore my own coat of many colors and won first prize in it. I remember one day my mother took loads of bandages and wrapped me in them and I was Lazarus and again a first prize.

And here I was in heaven, sitting in Christ’s place, on His throne, sitting next to the Father in heaven that I never got to speak or pray with for most of my Christian life, dressed in a robe of righteousness that Jesus had removed himself. his own back and he gave it to me and standing in front of me was one of my childhood heroes who once wore a special coat that his father Jacob had given him because he was special.

After that, the roof of the sky opened up somehow, and all of a sudden, as I was sitting on the throne next to God, I was looking at the solar system and two or more planets were really close as if you could jump over them. Behind them spread all the stars.

The Father told me.

“Do you see all that, Matthew? I created all that!”

“Yes, father,” I replied.

“You know that I not only created all of that, but I control it all and keep it from getting out of control.”

“Yes,” I agreed, the Father seemed to be speaking things that were biblical. LOL

“You know, if I can control all of that and keep it in its proper place and order, don’t you think I could control your life properly?”

Tears welled up in my eyes both in heaven and on earth. It reminds me of the scripture that says what is loosed in heaven is loosed on earth.

Do you know how you can doubt this mighty ball of light speaking to you from His throne as you view the galaxy in a way you have never seen before? How can you doubt the promise that God will grant you the desires of your heart if you put Him first?

You know that many people do not hear the voice of the Father, many people do not hear the voice of Jesus, you know that many people do not hear the voice of the Holy Spirit. Oh what a shame it is that some poor souls have to live a life on this earth and never see heaven and then go for an eternity to that dark place called hell.

Why can’t people just obey Jesus and take His word as God’s Word and accept His promises and have the faith to trust Him and share the good news with others?

I will never forget that promise from my Creator and Father: “Don’t you think I can direct your life too?”

I think the saddest thing that can happen to a person is that they live a life that doesn’t get out of control like mine. I think the saddest thing that can happen to a person is that they have such a good life and don’t have so much pain and baggage that can really control their life and reach their potential without God.

Although the story of my life is difficult to share without crying in the process, I have been blessed to have come to a place where I just know that I am making a mess of my life by myself and that I really need God to take control. . So, people may struggle to give control to God and therefore may never fully walk in the Spirit and experience perfection in the things they do.

How can you trust someone who was mentally ill to give you a message from Jesus or from God? Well, it takes faith. With a leap of faith 10 weeks ago I walked out of my mediation, well around October 4th, 2005 as I write this. Jesus told me that he was cured and that he could stop taking my medications and today I saw my psychiatrist and he gave me a clear health status at my bimonthly checkup. And I never told her that he was cured and just let her assume that he was still on medication. I was so happy when I got out of there that I called my mom and said, he’s official, even the professionals don’t think he’s sick!

One of my first visions of heaven.

In another vision I saw a wall made of diamonds and Jesus put one in my hand. It was the size of a football and God said that he would rule the United States government for 200 earth years if it was valued and sold on earth. Later I talked to God the Father and He explained to me that the wall I saw was much bigger than I could see until the smoky mist covered it and made me consider how much all the diamonds were worth.

He said, “In light of what I told you about how much that diamond was worth, try and see how much two miles of a hundred-foot-high wall would be worth.” My mind was stunned, and then Father said, “That’s what earth money means to us up here!!” —

I have never been in the money since then or prosperity lies.

another visit to heaven

Once I went to heaven and came to a park. The park was full of little kids jumping rope, running and playing on the swings and doing all sorts of fun things. He was looking and the park stretched to two soccer fields and his was full of kids. As I watched, I noticed that there were no adults in the image and I suddenly began to worry.

Jesus spoke to me and said, “There are no child predators here, Mateo.” i was revived

Suddenly I found myself in front of a girl on a bench and she looked at me and said, “Hello, Matthew.”

I was wondering how she knew me and she told me that she has known me for a few years and that when my son sleeps at night sometimes he dreams and meets her in his sleep and she keeps him updated on my life progress as my son and I don’t see each other. That brought tears to my eyes.

He then took me to see the stables in the sky where they keep some of the horses. It was a lush field with the greenest grass and the best looking pastures for the horses to eat and run on. He told me that he rides the horses and that he had ridden them with angels.

Because of my son and the bond with this young lady in heaven, this vision of heaven was very memorable for me.

the last supper in heaven

One day last year I had a vision and I appeared in a room in heaven and in the front of the room Jesus was sitting with his 12 apostles having communion. I wasn’t sure of my biblical theology of whether Jesus was allowed to drink wine before the Marriage Supper of the lamb and as I approached I was wrestling with whether Jesus might be doing something that wasn’t scriptural. Jesus smiled at me and knew my thoughts and moved me to join his apostles and got up from the table.

I was able to sit and commune with his apostles.

Vision of the last superior on earth

Many times when I read the account of the Last Supper, I had the feeling that I had somehow been there. She knew we’re not reincarnated and I didn’t think it was a genetic cellular memory and I just couldn’t shake it off. One day while reading the passage again, I saw myself in the room of the last supper just outside the door and I could see Jesus and the apostles at the table. If I were an artist, I could draw the picture and have Jesus one day verify that I was really there.

I told a friend of mine about it on a mission trip and he exclaimed, “Oh, you don’t either!” I asked him why and he told me that the leader of the mission trip had also been in the upper room in a vision and instead of standing at the door he had sat down and dined with Jesus.

Meeting my first angel in the flesh

One day when fifteen years ago I was approached by an elderly homeless man and asked for money. I turned him down because he didn’t have any change and I was too lazy to change a five dollar bill to give him change. As the man walked away, the verse “Whatever you do to the least of my brothers, you do to me” came to mind like a strong rebuke from the Lord. I turned around and ran after the guy and by the time I got to the phone booth that had turned around two seconds earlier, he had disappeared into thin air. That was my first visit from an angel that I met in person and I am sad to say that I failed the test.

The Lord told me that day that I had to stop judging people if I wanted to progress on the Christian path. Do you see if a man in a business suit comes up to you on the street and tells you that he has lost his wallet and needs two dollars to get home on the bus, you give him the third degree and say no? And yet a man in dirty jeans walks up to you with three days’ worth of growth on his face and looks like a drug addict and hopeless, and gives you the same line, his chances are much slimmer than the businessman’s. . In Santiago we are told not to show partiality, and yet we do, we judge people and in self-righteousness invent credible reasons not to show mercy. Sorry I had an angel teach me this lesson and I learned it well.

I read in the book, “Angels on Mission”, which is a very good book by the way, that once the author met angels in his house and then they left him and disappeared in front of his eyes. He said there were footprints in the snow and then they stopped. I have not been good or worthy enough to see my visitors disappear before my eyes. Maybe that requires more faith than I have right now. Or maybe they know I’m terrible at goodbyes!

Seeing Jesus get kicked out of my church.

It all started because Jesus had told me that the church we attended was not good. I told him that they had been good to us and that if Jesus wanted to prove that this church was no good, he wanted him to show up at the church in person and he wanted to see them kick him out! Now, some of you may never say that to Jesus and actually have the faith to say it to Him, or the disrespect. In any case…

Well, thirty seconds after I said that our homeless friend showed up and both me and my friend who had heard me say my prayer to Jesus clearly knew that she was not herself the way she was acting. She walked in and started dancing to the song and singing out loud and she had her hands up and it was all too much for the people in the church and the minister showed her the door.

Lack of money leads to my first miracle

The only time I have been short of money to give to a heroin addict for their drug, I saw the power of God come through me and it is the only time I have seen the anointing of God pass through my hand. I was overcome with sadness that this girl who had asked me was starting to have very painful cramps all over her body as her body was withdrawn from the heroin and as I sat and listened to her wince and say she just doesn’t know how she is. I was going to bear the pain that was coming, inside I began to cry.

Jesus always the man God who took pity on earth heard my inner cry and told me.

“Ask her if you can pray for her.”

“Can I pray for you?” I asked. When she said yes, I quickly asked Jesus what to do next.

“Put your hand on his forehead and say the word peace,” Jesus instructed me.

I put my hand on her forehead and said peace out loud so she could hear it and my friend who was another hero could hear it.

She leaned back in her chair and closed her eyes and sat very relaxed for about a minute and I wondered if she had fallen asleep or something. After a minute of suspense, she leaned over and looked at my yes and said with a loud exclamation, “What is this?”

I didn’t know what was going on and just said by faith. “What you are feeling is the peace of God that surpasses all understanding.”

The joy and peace on that girl’s face at what she said after that was something I will never forget. This was my first and only miracle that I have ever done, but it showed me something more of the character of my Jesus Christ that I serve than a hundred people who have given me the excuse that the reason they don’t give two dollars is that they don’t want be encouraging the habit of people. All of men’s excuses as to why they show no mercy and have no compassion vanish into nothing when Jesus Christ appears.

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