Skiing is well regarded as one of the most challenging and demanding sports out there. When testing a person’s stamina and ability to withstand varying body temperatures, it’s very important to consider which snacks to take to the slopes. While most tracks have cafes where you can buy food along the way, preparing some energy-boosting snacks to sustain you through your session will keep spirits up so you and your family can keep carving.

Here are some examples of high-energy foods suitable for both you and the kids during your time on the snow.


While bananas are considered the big energy-intensive fruit, they tend to get damaged in transit. To avoid giving the kids a squashed snack that leaves a lot to be desired, opt for a tasty apple instead. They are high in fiber and nutrients and you can even cut them up for easy eating when you’re on the slopes. The browning that may occur won’t do any harm, but if kids are particular about their fruit, you can try soaking them in lemon juice to prevent this from happening.

Granola bars

While there isn’t a lot of moisture in granola bars, they pack a great punch of energy and are popular with all ages. Nature Valley produces a nice variety of flavors so everyone can have their favorite flavor as a handy snack on the go. The main selling point for granola bars is that they are small, making them easy to pack in a day bag for skiing and eating on the go. If your kids aren’t big fans, you can go for flapjacks, which are also high in fiber.


It’s not the healthiest snack, but considering the number of calories burned skiing (about 400 per hour), chocolate is the tasty, energy-replenishing snack that’s popular with just about everyone. Dark chocolate packs more antioxidants for the more health conscious among you, and its sugar content, while it doesn’t last long, can provide a quick pick-me-up on a long day.


Walnuts are packed with energy, making them a great choice for the slopes. With the many varieties to choose from, there is sure to be a favorite for every member of the family. Although they can be difficult to eat while on the go, keeping them in a small container or bag can make them the perfect snack.

Dried fruit

The sugar content in dried fruits makes them a great option for an extra boost of energy and their carbohydrate content makes them particularly good for skiing. Dried fruit is also small and light to transport, so you can pack enough to go around.

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