There are many different health problems that could be causing your diarrhea. Sometimes it may be that our bodies are trying to remove toxic or rotten food from the digestive tract.

Another of the main causes of diarrhea can be that you are slightly intoxicated by food. You may not realize you had food poisoning because it could be a mild case. Just because you’re not vomiting doesn’t mean the food you ate wasn’t contaminated.

Another common cause of diarrhea is if you have a food intolerance. Some people may be unable to digest certain food components such as lactose. Lactose is the sugar found in milk. Food intolerance can cause many other symptoms besides diarrhea. If I drink milk, or foods that contain milk (like ice cream) I will always get gas.

Many other people have food intolerances to artificial sweeteners and food chemicals. Many people have food intolerances to foods, they don’t even realize it, and they can produce symptoms of illness throughout their lives if they are not detected.

If you can track down which foods or substances are causing the problem, you can eliminate them from your diet. Anything that is toxic to the body can cause diarrhea. Many people develop diarrhea after drinking too many alcoholic beverages.

Drinking water contaminated with viruses, bacteria, or parasites causes diarrhea in many people who visit foreign countries with dirty water. Their bodies are not used to being surrounded by these impurities, so they have very little tolerance for them.

Some people may have a bad reaction to any medicine they are taking. Antibiotics, anticancer drugs, high blood pressure drugs, antacids that contain magnesium, and many other pharmaceutical drugs can cause diarrhea. If you developed chronic diarrhea after starting these treatments, ask your doctor if you might be having a reaction to the medications.

Another cause of diarrhea could be due to a malfunction of the digestive system, as in the case of irritable bowel syndrome or intestinal obstruction.

Intestinal diseases can also be the cause of diarrhea. Some of these are colitis, Crohn’s disease, inflammatory bowel disease, and celiac disease.

Also, another possible cause of diarrhea is not urinating when the urge begins. Holding it in usually always gives me diarrhea. Your body is trying to get rid of excess fluids, and if it can’t get out one way, it will try to get out another way.

If I still don’t go to the bathroom and I put up with diarrhea, I usually start to sweat a lot, even if I’m not hot. Your body will do what it thinks is necessary to remove toxins or excess substances from the body.

The best thing to do if you have chronic diarrhea is to change your diet to include foods that put your body into healing mode to try to cure itself of any illnesses you may have. You need to find out which foods or substances your body cannot tolerate and eliminate them from your diet.

You need to find the cause of your diarrhea and fix it. Many people have reversed their health problems by changing their diet and detoxifying themselves from toxic chemicals or decaying food residues that have built up in the body.

Including better food choices can get your digestive system back on track. You’ll want to eat more raw fruits and vegetables and their raw juices, and cut out all junk food, refined foods, and soft drinks. Someone I knew said that he always had diarrhea until he stopped drinking soda.

You’ll also want to keep a food diary. When you have a detailed food diary, you can review it after a couple of weeks, months, or years. You’ll begin to see patterns and be able to determine which foods (and combinations of foods) work best for you.

Review your journal often and notice when you felt better. If you want to be healthy, you need to study how the foods you eat have a profound effect on the way you feel and your overall health. Our bodies are built from what we eat and digest. There is no way around this.

I have personally been keeping a food journal for about 7 years now and it is an invaluable resource that I refer to frequently.

As you can see, there are many possible causes of diarrhea, and the only way to find out what’s causing your diarrhea is to do a little detective work to find out what the root cause is.

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