The first calculation to perform for a numerology chart is the date of birth. The date must be written in mm/dd/yyyy format. For example, if you were born on January 23, 1980, it would be 01/23/1980. If you add the numbers of the date of birth, you will have the Life Path number. In the example given, it would be 1 + 2 + 3 + 1 + 9 + 8 + 0 or 24, which then reduces to 2 + 4 or 6. The Life Path number is a representation of who you were when you were born and how those traits rooted will carry you through life. Remember that the numbers must be between 1 and 9 except the master numbers. Do not reduce 11 or 22 as they are the master numbers and a valid result to have.

Those with a Life Path number 6 will have a life defined by nurturing, domesticity, truth, righteousness, and justice. They are the best caregivers of all, whether that is expressed in a real family environment or one they create in their social sector or work environment. Strong convictions and principles define the character of this person.

They like to feel useful and a source of advice, support and service. Your family, friends and home define your life and you are sure to focus your energies on preserving and caring for these aspects. Responsibilities come easy to these people, so much so that they are willing to take on the ones that other people are struggling to take on. They have very broad shoulders and can carry many loads.

They are devoted and loyal lovers. Your protective nature is likely to attract people who need protection and care. Harmony is needed in a relationship as these people do not handle stress well. If they lose their sense of balance, they can become controlling and domineering. With balance, they are compassionate and strong.

Likeable and generous, they are likely to give much of their emotional and material selves to help others. Early in life, they develop wise vision that can see the problems and nature of others and provide the solutions. Old souls can often achieve success early on. But they can take on too many responsibilities even for their strong shoulders.

A weird person with a life path of 6 will try to get rid of responsibilities altogether, but will end up feeling guilty and will eventually get back on their right path. These people can also become overly critical of themselves and others. They may lose their sense of humility and modesty and begin to exaggerate. They can also fall into a certain self-righteousness. But the advantage of this number is that the person will be able to see where she is making the mistakes and make the moves to correct it. Eventually, they will find their balance again and everything will work out.

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