If you are suffering from complex ovarian cyst pain, here is what you need to know. There are many ways to treat pain caused by cysts. You can use herbal remedies and medications, modify your diet routine, or simply apply pain management techniques. After reading this article, you will be able to lessen the pain caused by complex ovarian cyst.

To begin with, when you experience pain from the complex ovarian cyst, you need to place a heating pad on your lower abdomen. You can place the pad just below your belly button. After that, use your fingertips to gently massage your abdomen. I suggest you do it in a circular pattern. If you prefer to lie down or decide to rest while in pain, you can simply raise your legs or do a lateral position while bending your knees. Relaxations are also beneficial. You can do yoga or meditation. A warm bath is also another way to relieve pain.

When it comes to the amount of food you eat, I recommend that you only eat small portions. And to make up for the low amount, you need to eat frequently. That way, you will get the necessary daily nutrition for your body and avoid any pain. A hot drink will be a good complement to your diet.

If you weigh more than you are supposed to, I suggest you start losing weight to lessen the pain. Instead of eating simple carbohydrates like white rice, try eating foods rich in complex carbohydrates like brown rice and wheat bread. Fruits and vegetables also accelerate the burning of body fat. You should also monitor your intake of salt, sugar, alcohol, and caffeine.

If you are taking vitamin B6, calcium, and magnesium, keep taking them. They have also been shown to reduce pain. I also recommend that you exercise regularly, especially pelvic rocking exercises. You also need to do breathing exercises if you really want to control your pain. Once your period is approaching, you can take ibuprofen until your period ends. And lastly, you need to rest and sleep properly.

However, you can also use medications that can help eliminate your pain. There are many medications such as antidepressants, pain relievers, and anti-inflammatories. These medications are only effective for moderate to severe pain. You must also get prescriptions from your doctor in order to use these medications.

If, after all that, you are still in tremendous pain, then you need medical attention. Other cases that require medical experts are delayed menstruation during sexual activity, heavy vaginal discharge, fever, and bad odor.

Although the tips I have mentioned above seem simple, you should still consult your doctor before trying any treatment. Pain management is often on a case-by-case basis and may not be effective for everyone. Find out which pain management routine is best for you and stick to it to effectively eliminate pain caused by complex ovarian cyst. Good luck and have a life without pain.

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