The following basic terminologies are considered the top 25 terms that all computer science students should know before beginning their studies:

1. Bit: binary data storage unit valued at 1 or 0.

2. Byte: Eight data bits valued between zero and 255.

3. Word: Two data bytes or 16 data bits valued between zero and 16,535.

4. CD-ROM: A storage disk with approximately 640 megabytes of capacity.

5. CD-ROM drive: Hardware used to read and write CD-ROMs.

6. Storage Media: Magnetic devices that permanently store computer data.

7. Archive: Permanent storage structure for data stored on a hard drive or other permanent location.

8. Viruses: Unauthorized programs that infect files or are sent by email.

9. Vulnerability – when unauthorized access can be gained due to software bugs.

10. Security Breach – When attackers gain unauthorized access to the system due to a software bug.

11. Worm: Unwanted programs that gain access to computers through application/system vulnerabilities.

12. Hardware: physical parts of the computer (case, disk drive, monitor, microprocessor, etc.).

13. Software: Programs that run on a computer system.

14. Firmware – Software that has been permanently written into a computer.

15. ISP: Internet Service Provider.

16. BIOS: The basic input/output system that computers use to interact with devices.

17. MIME: Multipurpose Internet Mail Extension.

18. Boot: What happens when a computer is turned on and starts working.

19. Crash: When computer software errors occur and programs become unresponsive.

20. Controller: A program that understands interconnected devices such as printers and video cards.

21. Network: Wires and other electrical components that carry data between computers.

22. Operating system: The core software component of a computer.

23. Parallel: sending data through more than one line simultaneously.

24. Serial: Sending data over a single line, one bit at a time.

25. Protocols: communication methods and other standard Internet/network functions.

These are the top 25 terms that all computer students should know before beginning their technical training. Most computer science students know much more. In fact, everyone who uses a computer these days needs to understand these terms so that they can be better informed about the important tool that is so integral to our daily lives.

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