Most people who visit state and federal parks in the United States are in awe of the beauty of nature that has been preserved for them and their children and grandchildren. Still, even if they go out of their way to visit most state and national parks, they only get half the picture, they are seeing what is above ground and not necessarily what is under water, where there is a completely new ecosystem.

It is for this reason that the United States national park system encourages snorkeling and diving underwater in many of its parks. And what better way to learn about all that you lack than with a book that shows you through images what it is all about? If this sounds good to you, let me recommend a book that I personally own:

“Underwater Wonders of National Parks – Diving and Snorkeling Guide Compiled by the National Park Service” by Daniel J. Lenihan and John D. Brooks; Diane Publishing Company; 1998. ISBN: 978-0756765231.

You will be amazed at all the information in this picture book as it lists camping areas, locations, photos of spectacular underwater scenes and where to find them, along with the best places to eat, stay and get supplies. Take a look at the coral reefs, Lake Superior, the sunken ships, the shores of Hawaii, the Channel Islands in California, in fact there are over 60 locations listed in the book.

This is perhaps the best introduction to the underwater wonders of the United States and best of all, it is in pictures, truly amazing. I recommend this book for divers, dive tourists, or beginners. And even if you don’t dive or have never tried snorkeling, you will love this book.

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