The daily routine and routine of life sometimes make it difficult to say that your husband really loves you, as the uniformity of life sometimes makes you doubt. Yes, he comes home every day and buries himself in his home activity, but the excitement of being with you seems to have faded and you question his love for you. How can you know that your husband really loves you?

1. What does he do for you? This can be a puzzle for a woman as we express our love with words while a man expresses his love by doing or deed.

has. make a living. Does he work hard at his job to support you and the children? So this is his way of telling you that he still truly loves you. When a man truly loves you, he wants to take care of you. Does your husband support you or at least do the best he can to make sure he’s okay? He may not always keep you in furs and jewelry, but does he keep a decent roof over your head, nice clothes on your body, and tasty, healthy food in your stomach? So he still truly loves you.

b. errands. Trying to lighten your load? Does he offer to do things for and with you? If he needs shopkeepers picked up, does he do that? Does he meet the needs you let him know? Does he come shopping with you even though he would probably prefer to stay home and watch the game? So he still he really loves you.

2. Time with you. Does her husband spend her time with you and the children? A man who really loves you will want to be with you when he can. This doesn’t mean that he won’t have friends or interests outside of the home, but it does mean that he will spend a considerable amount of time with you. Depending on his personality, he may go out with you often or just hang out around the house with you doing something routine. If you can tell that he likes spending time with you, then he still truly loves you.

3. Attitude when you are sick. If your husband still truly loves you, she will stay with you when you are sick or unwell. You may not handle his illness well, but you won’t leave him alone to deal with the illness. He will go out of his way to take care of you and to do the things that need to be done. A man who fades away and leaves you alone when you’re not well doesn’t really love you.

4. Seek your opinion. Does her husband want her input in various things in life? Does he still care about what you think and feel about him and the issues that affect both of your lives? If he does, then your husband still truly loves you.

You can tell that your husband still truly loves you by his deeds and actions. He may not be as loving as you would like, but he remembers that he is a man and that men express love differently than women. You can influence him to say it more often, but focus more on his actions than on his words.

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