We have all met him at least once in his life. Someone walking into the room, and everyone in the room is left gasping for breath with the amount of scent the person is carrying. Then you would realize that you have come into contact with someone who wears too much cologne. You could even be left with a burning nose and eyes as a result of the encounter that would leave you in a lot of discomfort. Considering that you know how it feels to be the victim of someone who wears too much cologne, you better not wear too much cologne. How do you know if you’re putting on too much cologne for your own good? Well, let’s see the ways to identify this:

1) For one thing, you might be wearing too much cologne if people seem to keep a distance between you and them. This could also be attributed to body odor, but then again, if you have cologne, there won’t be any body odor now, right? With too much cologne, those around you would not feel comfortable and would try to keep as much distance from you as possible. You would do the same if you were them, so the space between the two would serve as a shield to minimize the effects of excess cologne.

2) On the other hand, if the cologne you are wearing can travel more than two feet, you are most likely wearing too much cologne. While colognes are used to hide body odor and convey your personality, not everyone wants to know you’re in the room. And remember that not everyone around you would like your cologne preference, so it’s best to keep it personal. Being able to feel your colony from a meter away is no longer attractive, it’s intrusive and almost disgusting.

3) Another way to detect that you are wearing too much cologne is the loss of your ability to smell good or identify scents correctly. Constantly being in contact with a very strong scent (your cologne) would affect your smell detection genes, and you are most likely drowning your senses inside your own cologne. This is not very healthy and therefore needs to be corrected.

Remember that everything is good when used in moderation, and colognes are no different. When used well, colognes are attractive and palatable, however misused they are; the effects could be horrifying and even catastrophic. Be very careful to make sure this doesn’t happen to you, and be sure to make quick rectifications if you’re currently wearing too much cologne.

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