The big toe joint is an extremely important joint for normal function and walking. It is the joint that has to move to allow the body to move forward or turn. If the joint does not move, then the ability to walk, run or move efficiently will be affected somewhat. Several things can affect this joint. For example, there may be some arthritis in the joint in a condition known as hallux rigidus, if the joint no longer moves, or hallux limitus, if the joint has restricted movement. The ‘hallux’ is the technical name for the big toe.

A condition that not everyone agrees actually exists is known as functional hallux limitus and is another restriction that can occur at this joint. It is called functional because the restriction in movement only seems to occur when it works, such as walking or running. When the foot is in the air, off the ground, there is a normal range of motion in the joint. The functional nature of this problem is what makes it controversial as its diagnosis is difficult. Some claim that it is actually a very common problem and others claim that it does not exist.

If there is a hallux rigidus or a functional hallux limitus, when the body tries to pivot forward on the big toe joint when it moves forward and the joint does not move, then more energy is needed to move and other joints are they will be forced to move at the same speed. a time when they should not move. This abnormal movement can cause symptoms.

Treatments for a hallux rigidus is a rocker in the shoe or a surgical replacement of the joint, so it can be used as a pivot. Treatment for functional hallux limitus is a foot brace or brace with design features to try to restore normal movement of the joint during weight bearing.

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