Celery has become the latest health craze in nutrition, and people care about its many benefits. There is absolutely nothing new about the health benefits of celery. For thousands of years, the Chinese have used celery and its juice for its medicinal value in their traditional medicines.

It is a highly nutritious vegetable with a range of nutrients and antioxidants that offers multiple health benefits to those who consume it. No wonder people wear it. Those who drink celery juice on a daily basis see a great benefit in their general health and energy levels. Celery tastes good both in its juice form and as part of a smoothie. You can increase the nutritional content of the juice by mixing it with other fresh produce juices. Adding fruit makes it sweet and if for some reason you don’t prefer sweet things you can add other vegetable juices or a slice of lemon or a dash of ginger for a change.

Drink it every day and you will experience increased energy levels and alertness.

The goal of juicing celery is to get the most nutrition out of it. Also, if you’re drinking this every day, you’ll want to make it as convenient as possible. As you know, celery is a tough, fibrous vegetable that is extremely difficult to juice. A horizontal masticating juicer machine is the best option for handling this vegetable and it’s even better if the machine has an attachment for celery. The juice yield of these gadgets is good and so is the quality.

Juice extracted by juice crushing machines stores well in the refrigerator for up to 72 hours without loss of flavor or nutrition. The best machines to extract any type of juice are of course the double gear juicer machines with twin gears due to their slow method of juicing. But the machines are difficult for newbies to the field to use, as they have a steep learning curve both in terms of assembling the juicer machine and the actual operation of the machine.

You can also use a blender, but you will need to strain the pulp and it can be messy and the loss of nutrition through air and heat is higher in a blender. For higher nutritional content in celery juice and also for higher juice yield, use a juicer machine.

There are vertical and horizontal masticating juicers. Do not choose vertical machines if you plan to juice celery, as they are highly unsuitable for this purpose. Celery has long, tough fibers that form balls and will clog the small outlets in the pulp bin. If you prefer a vertical masticating juicer for other reasons, simply chop the celery before feeding it through the juice feed tube to avoid clogging the outlet or entangling the fibers in the augers.

What is the best celery juicer machine? If you want maximum nutrition with minimal loss from oxidation and heating, the best option for juicing celery is a dual gear juicing machine, also known as a double gear juicing machine. But, on the downside, you’ll spend twice as much money on the juice. The price of the double gear juicer machine is higher as compared to any other type of juicer machine.

Also, assembling and using them can seem overwhelming for a newbie. If you’re just getting started in the world of juicing, you may be better off with a less complicated and less expensive juicing machine that you’ll actually use. If you develop a passion for juicing, then you might want to switch and buy a higher end dual gear machine. Horizontal chew models are a great alternative to dual gear models as they are less complex to operate and provide great yields. There is no compromise on nutrition. The juice quality is high and the juice stores well in the refrigerator for 72 hours without loss of flavor or nutrition.

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