The sight of images of lice eggs may scare some parents, but it is important for parents to know what they look like. While many parents are happy when it’s time for their children to start school, many parents aren’t too excited about the possibility that their children have head lice. While head lice are not dangerous, they are highly contagious. They can also be very upsetting and embarrassing for the children who get them. Children can also get infections from scratching their scalps. This often happens because the lice make the child’s head itchy.

Parents should find pictures of lice eggs so they can be on the lookout for signs that their child might have lice. Lice eggs are also known as nits. Nits look like small yellow or brown dots. Nits are usually found on the hair shaft near the scalp, because they like the heat a person’s head gives off. Many people often confuse nits with dandruff. Nevertheless. Unlike dandruff, nits are not easily removed from hair by brushing.

After seeing images of lice eggs, parents should look for other signs that their child may have lice. One of the signs of lice that parents should look for is scratching. Children with head lice often scratch their heads excessively. Another thing parents should look for is lumps or sores on a child’s scalp. These often occur when the child scratches their head too much due to itching caused by the lice. Sometimes a child with head lice will also develop a rash. If the rash or sores begin to ooze, parents should take their child to a doctor, as they may need to be treated with an antibiotic.

If a parent sees pictures of lice eggs and thinks their child has head lice, they should stay calm because head lice can be treated. There are many over-the-counter shampoos and medications that parents can use to kill head lice. Since many of these medications are insecticides, parents should be very careful and read the instructions before using them. If parents try over-the-counter medications and shampoos without success, they should take their child to the doctor. A doctor should be able to recommend the best course of action to get rid of head lice.

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