It has been said that men are visual creatures. And other people’s comments are that you’re pretty. However, it seems that the boys are reluctant to approach you! I know how it can make your heart and mind go crazy when you see other girls, who are clearly less pretty than you, happily loved by their boyfriends. To help you regain your sanity and courage to venture into the world of dating again, I have written this article on ‘Why do guys avoid pretty girls?’. Please don’t give up hope of finding eternal love just yet. If I can do it, you can too. Finish reading this article, because it could save you a lot of heartache and despair…

The main reason men avoid pretty girls is that men won’t approach a woman unless they think there’s a 75% chance she won’t reject him.

I’m not sure how well you know this, but the feeling of being rejected by any woman, pretty or not, frankly sucks. No man in his right mind enjoys being rejected. This is why a guy will avoid approaching a pretty woman unless he has a feeling that she will be open and receptive to her advances. By this I mean that she communicates to the world, or to a particular guy, that it is friendly and safe to approach her.

Unfortunately, the media makes it even more frightening for men to work up the courage to approach pretty women. Haven’t you seen shows that portray pretty girls as mean girls? It doesn’t matter if it’s true or if it’s happened to a guy before. With some compassion, you can understand how a guy can easily imagine a pretty girl embarrassing or embarrassing him in front of a crowd. It’s even scarier if a guy has already had negative experiences approaching less pretty girls!

So how can a pretty girl give guys the courage to approach her?

The biggest piece of advice I can give to solve the issue of guys avoiding you is to cultivate an appearance that feels friendly to men in general. My personal secret is to smile from within. Learning to smile from the inside is a skill that ANY woman can acquire. But don’t be fooled into thinking that she can put a fake smile on her face. If you do that, you run the risk of coming off as TOO approachable, which will draw all kinds of strange men to you. The trick is to discover a way to genuinely share your feminine, soft, gentle side with the world as much as you can. It took me a little effort to transform from within. It will also cost you a bit of effort. But I guarantee you it’s worth it when you find a man who loves you, appreciates you and never wants to let you go, because you are so feminine!

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