Since over 50% of website visitors and email recipients view information on their mobile devices, and many do so from their social media platforms, it’s always a good idea to check out your insurance agency’s website to ensure that your current and potential customers have a positive user experience on the website. . Here are some key areas to focus on when reviewing your insurance agency website:

Don’t make a separate mobile version of your website

A few years ago, your company might have two websites, one website for desktop users and one for mobile users. This is a very bad idea nowadays as it duplicates your efforts and can annoy customers, prospects and search engines.

Use responsive design principles

Responsive design uses coding to adjust a website based on the size of the viewport. Methods have advanced rapidly and you no longer have to hide content from mobile users. You can display your content for both desktop and mobile users.

Always use high resolution images

With mobile devices using high-resolution retina displays, it’s critical that your website uses the highest resolution images available. It is recommended that mobile images have twice the resolution of desktop images to fit retina displays.

Use larger font sizes

Font size is important when it comes to mobile design. Fonts should be large enough to read without further zooming. A general rule of thumb is to keep your main font size around 14px.

The button size should also be large

Buttons should also be large on mobile devices. You don’t want to frustrate a potential customer because they tried to hit the contact button but accidentally hit your privacy policy. In general, 44px by 44px is a good rule of thumb.

keep it simple

A simpler layout helps ensure there are fewer errors when sizing to fit on a mobile device. It will also make it easier for your prospects and customers to find relevant information. Be sure to review each key item on your insurance agency’s website and assess its value. Is each item placed where visitors can see it best?

Use Google’s mobile device compatibility test

Use the Google Mobile Compatibility Test to make sure your website is mobile-friendly and doesn’t have any issues that prevent the site from displaying properly on mobile devices. Google considers a website to be mobile-friendly if its Googlebot detects the following key attributes:

Links and buttons are easy to use on a mobile device

The text font is readable without zooming

The site avoids unusual mobile software like Flash

Content and images automatically adjust without scrolling

If your agency website needs to be updated and you don’t have the in-house resources to do so, or if your agency is looking to increase inbound traffic and insurance leads, you may want to consider outsourcing your website initiative to an insurance marketing company. competent insurance agencies.

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