Time and time again in quantitative scientific research, gamers have been shown to outperform non-gathering control groups. According to social science scholars, games are not a new phenomenon of the 21st century to be used in learning. They have been around for a long time and were used by the Department of Defense to inspire or stimulate military and political crisis situations. For example, in the Polish nationalist uprising, the Castro movement and in the Cold War. But the way games are used has come a long way and they are much more than intriguing military strategy tools. They are now ingrained in our culture and form a significant component of our contemporary culture.

But video games since their inception have been the subject of both fascination and fear among the masses. Today, the fear of gaming has subsided, with 75 percent of corporate managers at IT giants like Apple, Google, and HP reportedly under the age of 35 playing video games on a regular basis. Also employees over the age of 35 play games or have a lot of experience in games. In fact, games these days are so popular that they are bought in larger quantities than movies.

There has been a shift towards educational video games along with other educational toys like the Rubik’s cube. Educational video games have many positive effects on children, such as giving them a sense of accomplishment when they start to solve a problem and gradually become good at it, they learn real-world problem-solving strategies, there is optimism in persevering to solve the game as They understand that they are quite smart and regularly play these educational games for children to work on keeping their brains active and alert. Their mental reflexes to a problem at hand change for the better and it also gives them a broader insight to solve problems. There are also other benefits to this type of games such as it improves hand-eye coordination, improves children’s concentration levels and helps them process thoughts faster and also improves short-term memory skills.

The most interesting form of intellectual development associated with video games is the most important level of intelligence in humans of spatial or visual understanding. Humans have the unique ability to imagine realistic mundane spaces in their minds, and video games help develop and work on children’s spatial intelligence; as these games function as a three-dimensional puzzle much like an open-ended puzzle like a treasure hunt.

In addition, certain educational video games are also known to help children with PTSD (post-traumatic stress disorder) so that they can avoid harmful thoughts and keep them away with games that keep them busy.

So, what are you waiting for?! Grab your game consoles and start learning like the next kid of the contemporary generation should!

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