Whether as drinkers or not, or as wives, mothers, sisters or friends, employers or employees, most of us have experienced the destructive intrusion of alcohol into our lives or the lives of those around us. Perhaps we have felt that our own use is getting out of control, or have been affected by others, or have tried to figure out what we could do to help those we love. Regardless of our involvement, most of us have felt confused and unsure about how to help ourselves or anyone else.

Alcohol abuse, dependence and addiction are health issues about which little is said and much is believed to be wrong. Because of this, it’s easy to initiate treatment that results in more frustration than relief. However, it is possible to get out of the alcohol-induced fog, help others to do so, and redirect life toward new and productive goals.

As with any complicated and difficult task, in order to be successful, it may be necessary to seek qualified help. As with most areas of personal growth (and yes, I consider working your way out of alcohol abuse the ultimate in personal growth), it is easier to achieve with the encouragement, experience, and motivation that good guidance will provide. . Think of it the same way you would when hiring a personal trainer, trainer, doctor, weight loss specialist, or psychologist.

Also remember, as in all areas of personal change, nothing works for everyone. In fact, most alcohol treatment programs work for less than 10% of those who try them. So, to maximize your success when searching for a program, keep these tips in mind:

Seek help that is not committed to a single focus;

Look for professionals who specialize;

Discuss different outcomes (moderation versus abstinence, for example);

Look for educational diversity in staff backgrounds (being an alcoholic does not confer any special ability to help others).

As in most of life, your success in alleviating your own problems or helping others will come through motivation, optimism, good planning, and consistent effort. Humor will also be required. So will the willingness to give new things, activities, and people a try.

Start thinking of change as an adventure, not a sentence imposed on you. Yes, adventures often involve some discomfort and a bit of fear and nostalgia for the way things used to be. But they can also discover new aspects of you and your life, new activities, skills and pleasures. All the things you would have missed if you hadn’t taken the risk.

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