When trying to conceive a girl, you will most likely see all the options and methods available. Among these methods, time is one of the most commonly used. This is probably because it is so easy to understand and follow.

If you choose to follow this method, you must first determine when ovulation is likely to occur. This can be done using a temperature chart and thermometer, by inspecting cervical mucus, or by using an ovulation predictor kit.

The next thing is to understand what ‘getting the timing right’ really means and also why it is so important. In order to do this, we need to understand the differences between male and female sperm.

Male sperm are very fast swimmers but do not have a long lifespan. Female sperm are much slower to swim, but generally tend to survive longer. This information is important to remember when trying to conceive a girl.

If you have sex around the time of ovulation, there’s a good chance that the faster-swimming male sperm will reach the egg first and fertilize it. However, if you were to have intercourse a few days before ovulation, by the time the egg is released, the male sperm will have died, leaving the female sperm to reach and fertilize the egg.

Most experts recommend that couples have sex often, but stop 2 to 3 days before ovulation.

It is now much clearer why choosing the right time is important when trying to conceive a girl.

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