The WotLK 10-Man Raid originated from the idea that people now want smaller guilds as options, simply due to the fact that there are a lot of casual players who don’t have a lot of time to join larger guilds, while enjoying of raid content that might not be possible by solo-ing.

Although it is easy and small to set up, WotLK 10 man raid will require a specific type of format and style to fully enjoy the game and maximize the potential of the party.

How to set up a WotLK 10 man raid?

If you don’t already know, a 10-man WotLK raid is actually much easier than a 25-man raid, but you’ll need some flexibility from team members to switch roles as needed. Sometimes if you’re playing a tougher boss (say one with 1 million HP) and your healer goes down, you’ll need another member with a similar spell. Don’t worry though, because the recent patch certainly made it easier with composite stats for both tankers and throwers.

What about the tankers?

You will usually need 2 players as tankers in a 10-man WotLK raid. However, there has to be at least 1 player outside the tank, so he is flexible to step in as a tanker, while his main role is actually a DPS. Examples of such players are Blood Death Knights, Feral Druids, and Retribution Paladin.

What about the healers?

In most WotLK 10-man raids, 2 healers should suffice, one for each tanker. However, if you are facing AoE or DoT bosses then difficulties arise, it is hard to keep healing as you will need to keep all members alive within the raid. So you’ll need to know what boss you’re doing first before setting up WotLK 10 man raids, you might want 3 healers, same thing, 1 of them should be primarily a DPS but still able to heal when needed. Some examples are shamans, druids, shadow priests, and paladins.

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