Saliva or spitting has negative connotations: it can be used to insult or express disgust against someone, or it can be associated with dirt, filth, impurity, etc. But as it is, it has its beauty and utility. Most animals possess salivary glands for the purpose that only nature and evolution can tell. Snakes use their poisonous saliva to kill prey and some birds use their saliva as glue to build their nests. Human saliva plays a vital role in digestion. These and other uses of saliva allow us to see the other extraordinary side of this trivial thing.

(1) Start digestion. Saliva contains enzymes that even break down chewed food at the molecular level. It also makes chewing easier; imagine a dry mouth; it would be very difficult to chew and swallow food. It also helps the tongue to taste.

(2) Protect the whole mouth. The enzymes in saliva prevent bacteria from causing tooth decay. It also lubricates the teeth; it also constantly moistens the tongue, gums, lips, and the side of the mouth, acting as an insulating material.

(3) It is an indicator of dehydration. Dehydration can lead to fainting. One way to know that you are dehydrated is by feeling your saliva. Besides that, saliva is a natural substitute for water.

(4) It is a means of spitting germs out of the mouth. Saliva, which is 98% water, accumulates other chemicals and germs inside the mouth. The germs can then be spit out through saliva.

(5) Helps detect cancer or other diseases. Saliva testing with the Elisa test kit helps you discover cancer cells and hormonal problems. It is also useful in drug tests and other medical evaluations.

(6) Makes kisses more intense. Lovers kiss to show their intimacy. The saliva moistens the lips creating a delicious kiss and romance. (You can even say that we all come from saliva).

(7) It is helpful to turn the pages of the book. By licking the thumb, one can easily turn the pages of the book.

(8) It can help to heal the wound. Animals like dogs lick the wound to keep it from bleeding. Does human saliva also act the same way? Maybe.

Utility equals beauty. We count the uses of human saliva and we can say that it is part of the general beauty of nature.

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