Bacterial vaginitis is sometimes called vaginitis. It is an inflammation of the vagina and can include several different strains of germs that are commonly associated with trichomoniasis or vaginosis yeast infections. Bacterial vaginosis is the most common vaginal infection, with estimates ranging from 10% to more than 50% of women affected by it at any given time. Bacterial vaginosis is more common in women who are considered to be of reproductive age, although it is not exclusive to this age group and can infect any woman. The infection can spread from the vagina and affect the bladder and urethra, along with the genital skin.

When left untreated, it can lead to a number of more serious conditions, including endometriosis, cervicitis, and pelvic inflammatory disease. It can also cause complications in pregnant women and in the spread of postoperative infections.

What are the causes of bacterial vaginosis?

The technical reason attributed to bacterial vaginosis is an imbalance between the “good” and “bad” bacteria in the vagina. In a normal situation, the vagina includes small amounts of anaerobic bacteria and the Gardnerella organism. These ‘bad bacteria’ are balanced in a healthy vagina with ‘good bacteria’, especially lactobacilli. Bacterial vaginosis occurs when this balance is disturbed and the Gardnerella becomes dominant in the vagina.

There are several factors that can cause this imbalance. A known cause is the spread of E. Coli, a bacteria that normally lives in the rectum, to the vaginal area. The infection is also more likely to start when you are in poor health, practice poor hygiene habits, douche, or use an intrauterine device for birth control. Risk increases where the body’s defenses are already low, such as high levels of stress or lowered immunity during or after illness. Women who have diabetes or have entered menopause are also at higher risk. African American women are more likely to be infected, and women who have multiple sexual partners are also considered to be at higher risk.

So what are the symptoms of bacterial vaginosis?

It is possible to have a bacterial vaginosis infection and initially experience no visible symptoms. Itching or burning is common, although sometimes this is only mild and is not seen by the patient as something worth examining. The most common symptom associated with acterial vaginosis is an unpleasant odor, often described as “fishy.”

In many cases, the infection is detected at a routine gynecological visit. It is initially diagnosed by physical inspection and confirmed with laboratory tests.

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